Why do I work as a flight attendant

Why do I work as a flight attendant

We all aspire someday to have a job in which getting up in the mornings is not an ordeal and where the hours go by so quickly because you really enjoy what you do.
This is the case of many of our students who are already working as flight attendants around the world. If you're not yet one of them, maybe you'll wonder ... And what makes the work of a flight attendant so special?

-You move from one place to another, that looking at the four walls of the office for hours is not done for us

- You do not have a rigid schedule in which you can hardly perform - - activities apart from your own work. Being TCP allows you to combine work, leisure, family, etc.

- You know people of other cultures, since a flight attendant is continuously dealing with travelers.

- You can travel while you work, you will know cities, countries and places that previously would not have crossed your mind.

- You will receive a good salary as a flight attendant.

- It is not an excessively physical work, your body will thank you for a few years.

- You will feel useful helping others

- You will have discounts and incredible offers when traveling as a passenger, and not only on flights, but also in hotels, rental cars, per Diem, etc.

- You will have many curious stories to tell.

- If you decide to change and stop flying with time, you have other options such as working at the airport, trains, travel agencies, cruises, etc.

As you can see, the profession of flight attendant is the most complete, and allows you to enjoy great unrepeatable experiences traveling around the world as they have done more than 5000 students working in the aeronautical sector. If you want to follow his steps, get the official TCP title in our Network of Study Centers

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