8 Advantages of being Flight Attendant

If you have doubts about this profession and you wonder what the life of a Flight Attendant (TCP) will be like, we tell you several advantages if you decide to study or prepare for interviews on various airlines. If you do not know its main functions, we recommend this article.

1. It is an exciting job that allows you to know the world or your country

One of the strengths of being Cabin Crewman is logically one of the professions that allows you to travel and get to know other people and cultures. Learn about the experience of one of our students: Patricia Alcaina, who on her first flight has been to Cancun.

It will depend on the airline for you to finish working, its routes and the time you have before and after the flight. Most of the TCPs have time to get to know some of the emblematic places of the place.

Being a flight attendant is a job for which you are paid to travel and get to know new places (practically).

2. A flexible schedule and a changing workplace

There are few cabin crew who have a fixed schedule, since this depends on whether they have a fixed route assigned -which is not usual- and, therefore, most professionals have schedules and days of work are varying and that They are flexible.

It is a profession that breaks with the routine of office work, of 40 hours weeks, from Monday to Friday. You can reinvent your agenda and enjoy free time on days when most are working.

3. A different work team

You will meet new colleagues almost every day, since in most of the flights there is usually a different crew. The best? If someone does not like you, you probably will not see it on the next route. The best? That if you make good friendships, you will be thrilled to coincide in the trips.

4. Discounts on various services

Some companies have agreements with hotels, sports centers, spas, gyms, clinics, other airlines, etc., in which cabin crew members enjoy discounts. In the hotels where they spend the night they usually have at least 4 stars. Why? To ensure the rest and comfort of the flight attendant and prepare well for the next route.

5. A higher average salary

According to INE data, the most common salary in Spain does not reach 1,000 net euros per month (June 2017). The salary of a Passenger Cabin Crew is usually above the average of what an average Spanish worker earns. It depends on whether you work on a low cost airline or not. You should also bear in mind that the salary of a flight attendant is obtained from an average of 15 days worked.

6. Free flights

Yes! In some companies they give you the possibility of traveling for extra and in others you have free tickets, in which you only pay the airport taxes. In this way, you can travel to Las Vegas for just under 200 euros, taking into account that the ordinary citizen costs about 2,000.

7. One of the professions in which you will have many anecdotes

Cockpit crew work allows you to live unique experiences, meet people of all types, celebrities or those you admire. You can also establish lasting friendships with people you would never have met if you had not chosen to be a flight attendant. If you want to improve your people skills and empathy, you will acquire a great experience. You will be an expert in "putting yourself in the shoes of the other".

8. You do not need to have a baccalaureate or a university degree

The main requirements are to have the ESO approved, be over 18 years and a minimum recommended height of 1.58m (women) and 1.68m (men).

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